Unfortunately we are unable to answer any questions privately you have in relation to the posts on this website. Please comment on the blog post at the bottom of the page if you have any questions. Our admin team will reply or another user of this site will. We hope we have helped and that you have found the information useful! Any messages sent to our email address asking questions will be ignored.
Being human we all make mistakes, please let us know if you spot one. Either send us an email to admin@nationalinsurancenumber.org or comment on the specific post.
If you have written an article you think our users will benefit from then please send it over. Our aim is to build this website and cover everything you need to relation to moving to the UK. Your article must relate to the below guidelines and will be reviewed by Mark or Rose prior to submission.
Guest Post conditions.
1) Topic must relate to one of the following areas
- UK Tax
- National Insurance Numbers
- Brexit
- Working in the UK
- UK Employment
- Government contact numbers
- Living in the UK
- Getting set up in the UK
- Setting up a UK business
- How to find work in the UK
- Traveling to the UK
- UK attractions
- Use at least 2 outbound links
2) Minimum length of your post must be over 500 Words.
3) Feature image will be chosen by nationalinsurancenumber.org. We do not accept images to use on our site.
4) It must be all original content.
5) HTML format submission is preferred but not essential.
Please send your submissions to admin@nationalinsurancenumber.org. We aim to get back to you within 7 days. We will either let you know your post has been added to the site or sent back with feedback and improvements. We will work with you to get your post ready for the site